Success Predictions

Student Success Predictions based in students interests and career progression of graduated students.

Career planning for students providing a clear view of how to achieve short term/long term career goals.

Personalize education to support skills development required by employers and industries in the AI era.

Sustain financial resources by identifying new sources of revenue and eliminating unprofitable programs.

From curriculum to career with data analytics and AI

Adjust curriculums, improve students satisfaction, become analytics self-sufficient, and transform learning experiences combining data expertise, cognitive services and analytics.

Tailored Higher Education Solutions in the Cloud

Student debt now stands at over US$1.3 trillion and tuition is on the rise. This has led to increased expectations from students and parents regarding the students academic experience and the value of a degree. For several years colleges and universities have been working to improve student success but have been held back by cumbersome processes and heavy workloads. Jump! fixes this by providing an AI Driven Platform that streamlines process to supports the higher education community in their transition to successfully face these challenges.

Jump! fixes this by providing an AI Driven Platform that streamlines the process to supports the higher education community in their transition to successfully face these challenges.

Unlock Limitless Learning

Empower and truly prepare the students of today to create the world of tomorrow, while maintaining the privacy of student data. Jump! is a career planning and management system that combines a vast range of features all in one place that, until now, were only partially available through fragmented services or platforms.

Elevating outcomes in higher education

Close the gap between what education delivers and the skills students need to be competitive in the job market

Make curriculum improvements decisions based on students behavior and job market insight.

Deliver personalized learning on a whole new level and improve student satisfaction.

Connect students within their industry and improve job application success rate.

Support and keep track of Alumni as they progress through their career.

Rewards students who engage in activities that develop their skills and career management.

Simplify resources management tools, improve ROI and boost position in education rankings.

Want to make your career center better?

Reach more students. Keep advisors up to date. Support processes more efficiently. Expand the employer network.


Gain support for yourself and your team

From our founders experience as career counsellors, we understand the challenges your career centers are facing.We looked for years to find a tool to help career advisors manage their daily tasks and empower their clients. We didn't find one so we decided to create the Jump! Platform to support career advisors and career centers bringing innovation to empower our industry.

Expand your capacity and make efficient use of your time

Save time and get things done faster by having a powerful all in one toolset to support advisors and students.

Grow your support capacity by providing a specialized tool kit and keeping your staff skills and knowledge up-to-date

Gamification engages and motivates students by rewarding goal-oriented progress. An engaged student is motivated and driven.

Personalize career information developing the ability of students to undertake their own research and share it with advisors

Expand the employer network to startups, nonprofits, and other companies that don't traditionally recruit on campus

Support student self-exploration across campus and make career center services accessible from the start of freshman year

Track career advancement and support students and alumni throughout their career as they transform their skills into achievements

Jump! helps you give students the updated advice they need and a personalized, adaptive experience that helps them achieve their full potential.

Our career planning and management hub also streamlines laborious application processes so you can spend more time helping students discovering new possibilities. Help them put their best foot forward with resumes and customized cover letters generated for students in just a couple of minutes.

Join Jump! & Experience Endless Possibilities For Your Career